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some things have changed!

As you will see, my look has changed! I've switched from the very dark brown clay to a lighter more natural look. This clay new clay doesn't have the same dramatic contrasting look, but it is much more compatible with a larger variety of glazes, there are a few other advantages that might be too technical to get into on here, but if you want to know, ask me and I'll gladly explain! 


The other thing you'll notice is that  I've decided to lower my prices but not include shipping in the price anymore. Shipping and material costs have gone up just like everything else lately. So I thought we'd try this for a while. I'm open to feedback, if it's easier for me to lump it into the pricetag  for you,or if you prefer the transparency. I want to know. 


I hope you like my new body of work. I'm sort of leaning in a few different directions at the moment, Thanks for coming along for the ride and supporting art.

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Stay Informed

If you leave me your contact information, I promise not to sell or share you with anyone at all. In fact you will only hear from me once in while, like when I restock my site with new pots, or if I ever participate in an in person show, (which doesn't happen very often).  I am often overwhelmed with promotional emails and cell phone notifications, I promise not to abuse the privilege of being able to contact you. 

Thanks for submitting!

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